Reflections on AllahPundit’s view of Tancredo / SPP

No disrespect to Allahpundit, but I heartily disagree with his views concerning Senator Tancredo’s take on the whole SPP issue.

Read the article and posts here:

Exactly what are we talking about here? Well,for the uninitiated, the “SPP” stands for “Security and Prosperity agreement” which is our Government’s view of exactly where we should be headed in the very near future. In a nutshell, the “agreement” proposes to enhance the security and prosperity of North America, including the US, Mexico, and Canada, by various means. Whether intentionally or not, it neatly steps away from Congressional oversight by virtue of not being “a trade agreement”.

You may visit the official page yourself:

Please DO notice that the government has inserted a Myth vs. fact page to quell any ugly rumours!

And the rumours and misgivings are o’plenty, my friend. For, if we read the entirety of the information, it is immediately evident that there are several pretty radical steps outlined in this proposal. Oh, yes, it is all worded very sedately, in fact you may find yourself nodding off at points, and think, “What’s all the fuss about?”. Number one, this proposal considers that ALL of North America should be viewed as having a common perimiter, with each country contained within as subject to that perimeter. Right away, flags are going up…. ! For the U.S. and Canada, perhaps not so far-fetched. But are we to take seriously the notion that Mexico will secure any border other than it’s own Southern? Who then shall patrol the coastal waters off Mexico? The Mexican navy?

Another even more incendiary idea is the proposal of what amounts to a “Speed pass” for commercial carriers between Mexico & the U.S border. Some type of RFID device would be used to ensure that the border between our countries is no more than a speed bump to be crossed as quickly as possible. And this, at a time when the issue of border security and immigration has never been more fiercely debated. At a time when the government STEADFASTLY refuses to secure OUR Southern border…

It doesn’t help matters any, that the SPP [ while it has a public accessible web site ] is mostly shrouded in secrecy. Unless you watch Lou Dobbs on CNN, or are an activist of some type, you most likely will not have heard about the SPP. Most people I’ve talked to just give me a blank look…. indeed, the “partners” have even stated that the discussions and document-churning is being done behind closed doors to “avoid public scrutiny”. The SPP creators understand that several of these ideas, including the two mentioned above, would most likely result in a public outcry.

There are only two views on the SPP that I am aware of, though I’m sure some would like perhaps to find a third. One view, the mainstream view, is that this is just some new policies aimed at making us all safer in a post 911 world. Nothing to lose any sleep over.

The other view, of course, is that this is the baby first steps in creating a North American union, complete with a new currency, the “Amero”.

Allahpundit holds the mainstream view, Mr. Tancredo the 2nd. Personally, I’m going to have to side with Mr. Tancredo here, as Allah has not given any reasons that I’m aware of [ may have missed a post or two] why he believes that Tancredo is “listening to the little man in his head”.

I believe there are several reasons why there should be a great deal of concern about the agreement, which allegedly has already been signed by all three countries.

* The entire thrust of the U.S. over the last 3 decades has been towards globalization, not away from it. Please don’t mention the Iraq as an opposing point or I shall have to beat you. Outsourcing, off-shoring, ou name it.

* If you truly believe in “Corporate America” (and really, who doesn’t ?) what could possibly be better than than tripling your market reach? Eliminating tariffs, restrictions and that !#$%%-blessed customs crap! WalMart is already well established in Mexico, of course.

* In almost every way that counts, are we not becoming more “Euro-like” with each passing year? Judges in many courts now feel free to reference foreign court decisions as a basis for guidance.

* Despite Bush sending a certain number of Nat’l guard to the border, they are NOT deporting anyone. They are simply there to “assist” the BP. As you know, two of our Border Patrol agents were recently sent up the river for 10 years, for attempting to actually secure the border crossing against an illegal alien drug smuggler from Mexico.

*The NAFTA, CAFTA, and ither ABC agreements, have delivered on none of their promises [ NAFTA will end illegal immigration! was a big enticement] , only fatter checks for shareholders and corporate heads. And with every agreement, we gave away a little sovereignity, a little dignity, another piece of America.

* MANY states [illegaly ] have begun to sell off their interstate roadways to the highest foreign bidder. It’s a done deal in Indiana, and coming soon to Illinois.Many sea ports as you know, have for many years been operated by foreigners.

You could add your own -I’ve only skimmed the surface here. Would anyone TRULY be surprised, were we to see a senior Administration official go on air and propose that we now need to begin thinking seriously about forming our own “North American Union”, to protect us against external terrorism? [“Don’t worry”, they’ll say, “it isn’t a REAL union like the EU – just a little perimiter and border agreement”!] If you’re a normal person, the answer is a resounding “no”. No one would be shocked.

Except, perhaps, Allahpundit!

As much as I respect Allah’s writings in general, and mostly share his views, he should at least concede, that Tancredo is right to call for the light of public inquiry on this matter, important as it is. As a citizen , I sure would like to see a public debate on the topic! Frankly it bothers me that Allah goes out of his way to belittle Mr. Tancredo, when all observable facts call for concern and attention, instead of ad hominem attacks and a “sweeping under the carpet” of the issue, as Allah seems to prefer.

End of very lengthy post.

~ by unixxstar on January 19, 2007.

4 Responses to “Reflections on AllahPundit’s view of Tancredo / SPP”

  1. Tancredo calls upon Dubya to pardon wrongfully con

    Sen. Tom Tancredo of Colorado appeared on FOX recently, and called for Dubya to pardon some Border Patrol agents who were wrongfully convicted of shooting a drug smuggler.

  2. I heard this all too many times

    I tell you this americans you will not be given a choice wether you want a complete and utter merger with mexico and canada it will be foisted upon you
    most probably in incremental stages like the EU was done
    The aim is to rid america of the constitution
    you see the dirty little secret is that you cant have a NWO and keep the constitution no
    this isnt America taking over the world it is about America doing what it is told before the real people in control
    get upset and pull the plug on America
    now there are various methods they will use on you they will certainly try to do it peacefully and if that doesnt work they will lead you to war and you will be made to loose the war
    by hook and by crook they will do it to you
    you see the reality is they dont run America
    if you were to tell an American that their country’s money was being controled by a foriegn entity mostly european they would believe you or that the U.N. now owns most if not all of your National forests these things are to foundation shaken for an AMerican to believe yet they are both true
    your political parties both dems and cons
    have thwarted the AMerican people in every turn
    IT now takes a team of crack lawyers to deciphor the constitution
    but it was a simple and easy to understand piece when penned
    as long as you remain tied to a neanderthal mind set you will remain in chains
    keep voting dems and cons and they will feed you to the mexicans
    for a few pieces of pesos
    the economy is such dire straits yet not a peep from either side of the true position AMerica is in today
    they have raped you and each election you vote dems or conand should you march on mass like we did back in the sixties when men a cohones
    well they have lots of concentration camps and a crack russian force and a crack chineese regiment in america today incase you decide you will take things into your own hands
    you see in America you have been in a burnays bubble for the past 100 years you have no sense of reality
    your education is dumbed down ( you may learn about things but not the truth) your media has been filled with shills
    as to what is really in store for you all you can do is go along like good liitle americans who wave the flag
    you can do it the easy way or you can do it the hard way as long as you get it done

    I know this post wont last long and I really shouldnt waste my time explaining to AMericans who couldnt tell the truth if you put it in front of him
    if you want truth go to your national forests and look for the sign each one has a sign stating this is propewrty of the U.N.
    in lieu of debts that are unpayable by America this may start you on the road to the truth but I watn you it is too late to do anything about and you will be shocked to the very core

  3. America is bankrupt join the union or perish
    hyways sold off to highest bidders ,national parks gonzo,
    your fate and destiny are in the hands of foreigners soon very very soon china will demand america pay tribute to them or else
    you see you have been thwarted by a long string of mafia type
    politicians who have no other agenda but their own
    and you poor Americans sleep walk in what is known as the AMerican Nightmare
    wait till the spanish start getting organized they will show you what your constitution is good for
    the american dream is over everything is broken and there is not enough money to pay your debts even
    soon there will be an anger in the streets when the dawn of light shines in on you all

  4. Hi boys!1d65edec70190a73b7edb612bf294319

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